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Daily Update 12/05/2020

General Update

Some of you may be aware of the announcement made by the Chancellor in parliament today, for those of you who may have not read or heard about it. He has confirmed that the CJRS furlough scheme will be extended until October and that the 80% / £2500 cap will remain. More details around how this scheme will be made more flexible will be made available at the end of May.

This goes a long way to reassure people who are currently on furlough that they will not be forced into choosing between safety and financial stability.

We have organised a mobile app which you can download if you wish. From the app you can stay up to date with blog posts as well as message Unite directly. click the link below,


For those Bylor members who are on Furlough we can advise you that Bylor will be sending out emails shortly to confirm that at this point in time no one will be returning to work at short notice. The intention is that those on rotation A will return to work on 26th May as planned. Those on rotation B who were due to finish for another 3 weeks on 22nd May will not be leaving site. This means that they Bylor workforce numbers will be increasing after the bank holiday weekend. We are currently in discussions with Bylor about how we will be able to operate with increased numbers and still maintain the high level of social distancing which we have been able to create. It is highly likely that there will be some sort of back shift / night shift. As soon as we have information on a shift pattern we will update you all.

We have also received information that another Bylor employee was confirmed as testing positive for Covid-19. The individual was last on site on 4th May, a track and trace has been conducted. A further 5 people have been identified as being potentially at risk of infection and have been sent off of site to isolate. Bylor will be issuing an email to their workforce explaining further details.

This now takes the total number of HPC related cases to 6.

KBJV Update We have held a meeting with KBJV about the process and potential numbers coming back from furlough. They are bringing back approximately 35 people on May 18th for the H28 Reprocessing Works and H1 Road works, concentrating on direct labour (Kier and BAM plus Plantforce/Lynch) first. The matrix system will be used to bring back those on the highest scores, with an intention for there to be 100+ people on site after May 18th. They are then potentially going to bring more back at the end of the month depending on winning work from NNB. More to follow on this. We have asked for at least a weeks notice to being people back. They agreed to this apart from the odd exception where very low numbers could be brought back with less notice.

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This communication is sent following the extraordinary site joint council held today with Bylor and the client. Good progress was made in respect of following points: 1) Milestone bonus – pending

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