Unite the Union

May 20, 20202 min

URGENT Shift Pattern Update 20/05/2020

We would like to make it clear that we as your trade union have not been involved in discussions developing this shift pattern and have there for objected to the timings and enhancement which have been instructed upon us. We will be in talks with both Bylor and EDF about making this back shift a fairer prospect for those who are being given little choice but to work under these terms. This has not been helped by other trade unions failing to raise an objection on behalf of their members.

We have been invited to meetings today to hear about the shift pattern which is being implemented by Bylor from 26/05/2020. This will be a backshift running from 3pm to 1:30am Monday to Friday. 3 work areas will be running to this time frame, CI, K11A and Balance of Plant (Structures). In total 345 workforce will be placed on to this shift pattern which will remain for the foreseeable future.

Other work areas will remain on the usual day shift pattern. However break times may be subject to change and will be enforced more rigidly to avoid any interaction between the 2 shifts.

The back shift will attract a 14% shift increase payment. This is calculated from your basic rate of payment and applied to all hours worked. Site access passes for those working on the back shift will not work before 2pm each day to avoid people entering the site too far in advance of their shift time and potentially interacting with individuals from day shift.

The intention is that, if this pattern works, then Bylor may look at those individuals who volunteered for furlough to return in a controlled manner.
