
Apr 22, 20221 min


This communication is sent following the extraordinary site joint council held today with Bylor and the client.

Good progress was made in respect of following points:

1) Milestone bonus – pending on sign of by National Officers, the bonus will be paid based on attendance only.

2) Respect and dignity – a new stage has been introduced to the agreed process offering an independent review of the grievance procedure.

3) Retainers – no movement was made in respect of this issue.

4) Travel – periodic leave will no longer require authorisation from Black Hats, individuals will be expected to take their allocated travel time. Failure to do so would result in potential loss of bonus due to unauthorised absence.

Further commitments were given in respect of

· Future communication (joint communication and direct trade union communication).

· Pay roll will introduce new improved systems and increase their staff.

The trade unions twice raised their concerns in respect of an extraordinary bonus payment recently made by Bylor. A request for an equal payment to be made across the board was rejected by Bylor.

The unions jointly believe that these improvements will not meet our members expectations. Therefore, it is our intention to conduct a consultative ballot of trade union members in respect of the above issues. This will effectively put the matter into procedure.

It is most important that you do not take unofficial action during this period. Protests or sit ins of any kind in the canteen areas will impede and protract our ability to run a formal ballot and will result in formal disciplinary action being taken against you for breach of contract.

Further information will be sent to you via the usual lines of communication.
